Matthias Grunewald - перевод на голландский
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Matthias Grunewald - перевод на голландский

Matthias Grunewald; Mathias Grunewald; Matthias Grnewald; Mathis Gothart Niethart; Mathis Gothart-Nithart; Matthias Gruenewald; Mathias Grünewald; Mathis Gothart-Neithart; Mathis Grünewald; Matteo Gruvenald; Mathias Gruenewald; Mathis Grunewald; Mathis Gruenewald; Matthias Gothardt; Gothardt; Mathiss Grunewald; Mathis Gothart Nithart; Mathis Gothart-Nithardt; Mathis Gothart Nithardt; Mathis Gothardt Nithardt; Mathis Gothardt; Matthis Grünewald; Mathis Gothart; Mathis Neithardt; Matthias Neithardt; Matthias Gothart; Grünewald; Mathias Grunwald; Mathias Gothart; Mathias Neithardt; Matthias Grunwald; Mathis Nithart Gothart
  • Frankoniabrunnen]], by [[Ferdinand von Miller]] (1824), now in front of the [[Würzburg Residence]]
  • forged]] painting based on this drawing.
  • Second state of the [[Isenheim Altarpiece]], Colmar, [[Unterlinden Museum]]

Matthias Grunewald         
(1475-1528, geboren Mathis Gothart Neithart) Duitse schilder in de Renaissance bekend om zijn religieuze schilderijen


Prime Conductor
A metal or metal coated sphere or cylinder or other solid with rounded ends mounted on insulating supports and used to collect electricity as generated by a frictional electric machine. According to whether the prime conductor or the cushions are grounded positive or negative electricity is taken from the ungrounded part. Generally the cushions are grounded, and the prime conductor yields positive electricity.


Matthias Grünewald

Matthias Grünewald (c. 1470 – 31 August 1528) was a German Renaissance painter of religious works who ignored Renaissance classicism to continue the style of late medieval Central European art into the 16th century. His first name is also given as Mathis and his surname as Gothart or Neithardt.

Only ten paintings—several consisting of many panels—and thirty-five drawings survive, all religious, although many others were lost at sea on their way to Sweden as war booty. He was obscure until the late nineteenth century, when many of his paintings were attributed to Albrecht Dürer, who is now seen as his stylistic antithesis.

His largest and most famous work is the Isenheim Altarpiece created c. 1512 to 1516.